Friday 15 July 2016

DEAR FRIEND...(Part 1...)...

Dear Friend,
How have you been,
Its long since you were last seen,
Kwa whatsapp ulificha last seen,
Sijui reason ya kukaa behind the scenes,
Coz nimejaribu all the means,
But still sikuoni,
Kila time niko mbioni,
In search of you my friend,
If only we can meet on a weekend,
Sitaki ikuwe that official,
Let it be abit casual,
Just friends hanging out as usual,
You know the feeling has alwaiz been mutual,
So let's try to be punctual,
And forever solve our puzzle,

Dear Friend,
I miss you daily,
I treat you fairly,
I hurt you rarely,
You alwaiz part of my diary,
You help me see things clearly,
With your support i never go weary,
The little we have we alwaiz share equally,
Our bond is just extraordinary,
Not that we are not ordinary,
But we treat each other dearly,

Dear Friend,
Mi na wewe tumetoka far,
Tulipojuana nilisema we ndo unafaa,
Kuwa rafiki,life yangu ukaijaza furaha,
Urafiki wetu umepewa sifa,
Kwangu umekuwa kama taa,
Tushajikubali hakuna wakutukataa,
Tumecheza safe ka mchezo wa karata,
Mahater wakijitokeza wote tunawakata,
Coz tuko by far hawaezi kutupata,
Urafiki wetu umenoga kweli nimekudata,
Siezi chelewa ushakua yangu saa,
Urafiki wetu umejaa madaa,
Tunashine kila place ata kwa mataa,

Dear Friend,
There is a lot i can say,
It can't be done within a day,
So i urge you to stay,
Let's continue building our friendship,
Just like a love relationship,
Its not like we are in an internship,
Neither a membership,
Club n not fighting for a championship,
But in a fellowship,
Building one another,
As true friends would do,
Let's rise above hate,
Let's make it our fate,
Forever together..........
Your Friend,
ME. .....To be continued...

(Part 2 loading...)


Unknown said...

awesome stuff

Unknown said...

Good one #erico

Unknown said...

Good one #erico

Unknown said...

Moto I say bro

Unknown said...

Keep up...nice

Unknown said...

Awesome #Friendship

Anonymous said...

Amazing thing you doing...